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Foscam FI8918W
The Foscam FI8918W IP camera is small, cheap, controllable, colour IP camera.
Download FirmwareGo to the following URL, fill in your name and email address and an automated email will be sent. Click on a link in that email and another email will be sent with links to the latest firmware versions. CGI APIDownload the complete CGI API from the following URL: Download the MJPEG IP Camera CGI file (not the H.264 CGI SDK file - it's out of date and for the other type of camera) attached to that page, unzip it, and read the "MJPEG IP Camera CGI" PDF inside. Wireless SetupHow to setup IP camera wirelessly Test and Tweak IP Camera Setup and ConfigurationMake sure your IP Camera is functioning at peak ability Linkshttp://www.foscam.com Foscam FI8918W is mentioned on: Foscam |