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When starting as a new user on a box:
git config --global "mark AT himsley DOT org"
git config --global "Mark Himsley"
git config --global core.editor "vim"
git config --global push.default upstream
When creating a new local repository:
git init
git add path
git add file.ext
git commit
When creating a new remote repository:
mkdir project.git
cd project.git
git init --bare
When defining a remote repository in a local one:
git remote add origin ssh://user@host/path/to/repository.git
git remote -v
When pushing to a remote repository from a local one:
git push origin master
Export a copy of your current git HEAD to a tar.bz2
git archive --format=tar --prefix=<PATH>/ HEAD | bzip2 > ../<FILE>.tar.bz2

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