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GeoPort Mini DIN-9

The back panel of all Power Macintosh models contain two I/O ports for serial telecommunication data. Both sockets accept 9-pin plugs, allowing either port to be independently programmed for asynchronous or synchronous communication formats up to 9600 bps. This includes AppleTalk and the full range of Apple GeoPort protocols.

9 pin Apple mini din connector at the end of the peripheral cable, from the front of the connector

1SCLK (out)Reset pod or get pod attention
2SCLK (in)Serial clock from pod (up to 920 Kbit/sec.)
3TxD-Transmit -
5RxD-Receive -
6TxD+Transmit +
7Wake up / TxHSWake up CPU or do DMA handshake
8RxD+Receive +
9+5VPower to pod (350 mA maximum)

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