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On Ubuntu (at least with 10.04 LTS) Tomcat is very easy to install
sudo apt-get install tomcat6 libtcnative-1 It is nicely setup with CATALINA_HOME=/usr/share/tomcat6 andCATALINA_BASE=/var/lib/tomcat6 That's great - but I like my config files to live on the same NFS mount as the web sites, which gets mounted onto /usr/local/sites. The config files live in $CATALINA_BASE/conf which in Ubunto would therefore be/var/lib/tomcat6/conf But since that folder is actually just a sym-link to /etc/tomcat6 it is very easy to swap Ubuntu's default location for my preferred location...sudo service tomcat6 stop We haven't lost anything - it's easy to put the sym link back to its default location if needed. Ubuntu:Tomcat is mentioned on: Tomcat | Linux |