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Tomcat:Install Tomcat 5 as service on Windows NT/2000/XP
1. ensure CATALINA_HOME and JAVA_HOME are appropriatly set as 'System variables' in the 'Environment Variables' section of the System control pannel.
On Windows 2000 you get to the environment by selecting: My computer | Properties | Advanced | Environmental Variables
service.bat install tomcat5 3. start the service with this command line: net start tomcat5 4. you may stop the service with this command line: net stop tomcat5 5. and you can uninstall the Tomcat service with this command line: service.bat remove tomcat5 6. For more information on the commands used in the service.bat script mentioned above go to the Apache Jakata Commons Daemon page Tomcat:Install Tomcat 5 as service on Windows NT/2000/XP is mentioned on: Tomcat | Windows |