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Search for ""DreamPlug""
... DreamPlug The [[DreamPlug]] is a plug-top computer. It draws about 5 wats of power, but includes two ... ... internal fan that sounds like a hair dryer. I do not recommend the [[GuruPlug]], buy a [[DreamPlug ]] instead. ... ... Linux GNU/Linux stuff * [[SheevaPlug]], [[GuruPlug]] & [[DreamPlug ]] * [[Ubuntu:Tomcat]] * [[Ubuntu:Install 7.04 on PCG-Z600NE]] * [[Ubuntu:12.10 on Acer Aspire Revo R3610]] * ... ... well, we have to run it sometimes * [[RaspberryPi]] Mmmm, pi! * [[SheevaPlug]], [[GuruPlug]] or [[DreamPlug ]] for plug-top computing * [[Foscam]] IP cameras Software development * [[Java]] the language * [[Eclipse]] ... search powered by |