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... Windows Mostly, how to cope with it * [[Install Cygwin on Windows NT/2000/XP]] * [[Using Java on ... ... Windows :buildFFmpeg Building FFmbc for Win32 is best done on Ubuntu - no, honestly. It's easier to ... ... Using Java on Windows NT/2000/XP This document contains some important details required for easy use of Java on Windows NT4, ... ... Install Cygwin on Windows NT/2000/XP This document describes the install procedure Cygwin to make Cygwin run on Windows 2000 Professional ... ... VPN:IPsec:Connect Windows XP to Linux L2TP IPsec VPN server If there is any posability of NAT being between ... ... Tomcat:Install Tomcat 5 as service on Windows NT/2000/XP 1. ensure CATALINA_HOME and JAVA_HOME are appropriatly set as 'System variables' in the 'Environment Variables' ... ... Tomcat:Install Tomcat 4 as service on Windows NT/2000/XP 1. ensure CATALINA_HOME and JAVA_HOME are appropriatly set as 'System variables' in the 'Environment Variables' ... ... Video * [[Colour Spaces]] * [[D10]] * [[FFmpeg]] * [[Windows :buildFFmpeg]] * [[FFmbc]] * [[FFmbc:commandScratchpad]] * [[Mencoder]] * [[Mplayer:build on MinGW]] * [[MXF]] * [[writeavidmxf]] * ... ... Private Networks *[[VPN:OpenVPN]] Using OpenVPN to make Virtual Private Networks between Linux, OS X, and Windows * [[VPN:IPsec]] Using IPsec to make Virtual Private Networks. ... ... * [[VPN:IPsec:Openswan to Netgear DG834]] How I wasted many weekends, until I bought a book. * [[VPN:IPsec:Connect Windows XP to Linux L2TP IPsec VPN server]] ... ... WindowsXP:BlankPassword !!!Blank Password Network Access!!! Windows XP professional will not allow network users computer access without a password. Trying to do so ... ... !! Apache Tomcat Java/JSP web application server !! [[Ubuntu:Tomcat]] [[Tomcat:Install Tomcat 4 as service on Windows NT/2000/XP]] [[Tomcat:Install Tomcat 5 as service on Windows NT/2000/XP]] If you are experiencing issues deploying WAR ... ... {{{Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/533.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/5.0.342.7 Safari/533.2}}} Firefox 3.0 on Windows (XP or Vista - can't remember) {{{Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009032609 Firefox/3.0.8}}} ... ... spaces in: []sudo ls /Volumes/My\ Book | \ while read i;do \ if [[ "Bedroom Windows disk image (failed March 2008)" != ${i} ]]; then \ echo ${i}; \ rsync -av "/Volumes/My ... ... OS and hardware * [[Linux]] for all things Linux * [[OSX]] for Mac stuff * [[Windows ]] well, we have to run it sometimes * [[RaspberryPi]] Mmmm, pi! * [[SheevaPlug]], [[GuruPlug]] or ... ... 7.04 on PCG-Z600NE The Sony PCG-Z600NE is a Pentium III 500MHz laptop, originally bought with Windows 98 SE but latterly it had Windows XP Pro on it. This machine's original 128MB RAM ... ... 8.04 on PCG-Z600NE The Sony PCG-Z600NE is a Pentium III 500MHz laptop, originally bought with Windows 98 SE. This machine's original 128MB RAM has been upgraded to 256MB. The PCG-Z600NE would not ... ... company's IP network. This server started to host Clockwork Web's email, some web sites, DNS, Windows CIFS shares and other bits and bobs. A very reliable server - it was still working without ... search powered by |