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The DreamPlug is a plug-top computer. It draws about 5 wats of power, but includes two gigabit Ethernet ports, WiFi, BluTooth, 2 USB 2 ports, 1 eSATA port, audio in and out, SDHC card slot, and includes ports for connecting a UART serial port and a JTAG board.
The DreamPlug is what the GuruPlug should have been. I purchased my DreamPlug from New IT for £135 including tax and delivery. I have also purchased two SheevaPlugs and a GuruPlug from New IT and thoroughly recommend them. Sources movedCanonical seem to have moved Jaunty Binaries. Put this into /etc/apt/sources.listdeb jaunty main restricted universe multiverse JTAG Board OS X LionFollow the instructions here to add the JTAG board as a USB serial device. Note that the OS X 10.6 (snow leopard) drivers work in 10.7 (lion) too: Once the FTDI drivers are loaded I can connect to the JTAG using screen: screen /dev/tty.usbserial-FTT0GSKVB 115200 Simple screen commands:
LEDsThe LEDs are named; 'red' is the WiFi led and 'green' is the WiFi-AP led.So, turn on and off the WiFi led: echo 1 > `eval ls /sys/class/leds/guruplug\:red\:wmode/brightness` and turn on and off the WiFi-AP LED echo 1 > `eval ls /sys/class/leds/guruplug\:green\:wmode/brightness` Enable the flashing BlueToothLED blinkled Disable the flashing BlueToothLED blinkbtled 0xf1010148 w 0x000 WiFi Access PointFollow the instructions here to edit /root/ and configure the WiFi: I altered the SSID variable, and set the WiFi into WPA2 by adding these lines before the 'bss_start' command: /usr/bin/uaputl sys_cfg_protocol 32 /usr/bin/uaputl sys_cfg_cipher 8 8 /usr/bin/uaputl sys_cfg_wpa_passphrase $KEY udhcpdYou can change the IP address range of the DHCP server, by altering the IP address of uap0 in /root/ ifconfig uap0 xxx.yyy.zzz.1/24 up and also editing /etc/udhcpd.conf start xxx.yyy.zzz.100 A word of warning. udhcpd is a bit dumb, even though you've altered the config files it will still happily hand you out old leases for the old IP address ranges, so if you do alter the address ranges then remove /var/lib/udhcpd.leases before you restart: /etc/init.d/udhcpd stop 3G CommsI have an android phone that I want to plug into the DreamPlug to share it's 3G over WiFi.You can follow the instructions here: But you'll need a copy of adb, the Android Debugger, for Arm. There is a link on this page and notes on how to build it yourself here Then, to get the link up, you run this to get the socket forwarding from the DreamPlug to Azlink on the Android. adb forward tcp:41927 tcp:41927 Then, to get the IP tunnel up, run: openvpn --config azlink.ovpn 3G USB dongleTHIS IS NOT WORKING YET Instead of using my Anfroid phone, I'd like to use a 3G USB dongle. The '3' 3G USB dongle I'm using is a ZTE MF627. It has two modes, when it's originally plugged in it appears as a USB CD-ROM, for automatically installing software drivers, and has to be ejected before it turns into a network device. When the device is a CD-ROM it's ID is 19d2:2000, when it's a network device the ID is 19d2:0031. Here's an easy way to eject the CD-ROM device to turn the dongle into a network device: Create: /etc/udev/rules.d/ZTE.rules with this contents: SYSFS{idVendor}=="19d2", SYSFS{idProduct}=="2000", RUN+="/usr/bin/eject %k", OPTIONS+="last_rule" Now when the dongle is inserted the udev daemon spots the device and sends the eject command. You can check the device ID with lsusb. We can test the device now with chat: chat -s -v '' ATZ OK AT+CSQ OK >/dev/ttyUSB2 </dev/ttyUSB1 in the output you'll see the current signal strength. The stick seems to crash a lot - or perhaps it's the DreamPlug that is crashing... /etc/ppp/peers/3g lock /etc/ppp/peers/ ABORT BUSY ABORT 'NO CARRIER' pon 3g DreamPlug is mentioned on: Linux | GuruPlug | StartingPoints |